Where the Wild Meets the Waves: Capturing the Soul of Scotland’s Coastline
Roaring Waves, Silent Cliffs: A Journey Through Scotland’s Shore
Step into a world where Scotland’s rugged coastlines come alive through art. This collection celebrates the wild beauty of the sea and shore, where crashing waves, sweeping skies, and rocky cliffs tell stories of timeless power and grace. Each piece is crafted in mixed media, blending the softness of pastels with the fluidity of watercolors and the vibrancy of inks. These expressive works capture not just the landscapes, but the emotions of the coast – its tranquility, its tempest, and its awe-inspiring spirit. Let these paintings transport you to the heart of Scotland’s untamed coastal wilderness
The Gully - Arbroath Cliffs - Soft Pastel and Charcoal on Fabriano Watercolour Paper
Stacking it - Arbroath Cliffs - Soft Pastel and Charcoal on Fabriano Watercolour paper
On Guard - Port Patrick, Scotland - Mixed Media on Fabriano Watercolour Paper
River to Sea - Gruinard Bay Soft Pastel on Fabriano Watercolour paper
Stormy Headlands - Dun A Chaolais Soft Pastel and Charcoal on Fabriano Watercolour paper
Lunan Bay, Aberdeenshire - Soft Pastels and Charcoal on Fabriano Watercolour paper
Lazy Day - Camusdarach Beach Soft Pastel on Fabriano Watercolour paper
Beach at Peace - Traigh Beach Soft Pastel on Fabriano Watercolour Paper
Cutting Cliffs - Port Patrick - Soft Pastel and Charcoal on Fabriano Watercolour Paper